Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Stage Hypnotists please be honest!

Myself and a few other stage hypnotists have recently had a few bogus booking enquiries in an attempt to find out who we have FULL public liability insurance with.
These enquiries are usually fairly easy to spot and all they do is put our backs up. We don't like deceit and we don't like having our hopes of a possible booking dashed or our time wasted!
When I first started professionally in this business, 17 years ago, it was very underhand and backstabbing, recently it has been much more honest and open with hypnotists trying to help each other and passing work they can't do around.
Please, let's keep moving forward and help each other.
If you have a question, be honest enough to ask! The worse that can happen is I will say "NO" but I will probably try and help!

Lamlash Gala Week

I just recently got back from my first visit to the Isle of Arron, I had been booked as the closing act of the week long Lamlash Gala week.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people on Arron who organised the event and all the lovely people who bought tickets and came along on the night to make it such a great night!
I hope to see you all again soon!

Sorry, Nothing much to say!

Well I know I haven't written for a while but it's all been a bit same old same old...
All the shows have been good, but nothing memorable or outstanding (I guess that is kind of good in it's self!). Probably the one of most note was that I was back again at the Sargent major's summer ball in Harrogate and had another brilliant night (they love me there!).
Work aside I did have a very hard but very rewarding week on my own with my kids.
My wife was away, on a course, Monday to Friday leaving me in charge of the house and our three girls aged 4, 3, and eighteen months.
My first goal was survival, but I well over achieved! We all got to the end of the week having had fun and I did not break any of them!