Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Ask the audience to phone a friend!

Well, 18 years in the business and I still haven't seen it all!
A new one for me at the weekend, got to my venue and set up, met the manager who told me they were expecting about 110 people, great I thought!
At 8:30 there are only 18 people in the room, the manager is still insistent that he wants the show to go ahead, so he goes on the microphone and asks the 18 people if they can get on their mobiles and try and get some more people down to the venue! (alas it did not work).
However, much to my surprise, when I asked for volunteers I got 7 people and hypnotised them all, and we had a great show!!! (although not much atmosphere from the ones left in the audience due to lack of numbers in a big room).

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