Thursday, August 16, 2007

nice feedback! Thank you Suzie Gibb!

There are still nice people out there!
I have just had a few email conversations with Suzie Gibb, a lady hypnotist working out in Spain. She contacted me to pass on some great comments she had heard about my shows from some young Irish people who were out there on holiday.
Now, my view on this is that she did not need to do that, we all hear all sorts about other hypnotists when we are out doing our jobs and usually we do nothing!
It was very kind of Suzie to pass on those comments and she has made me think that next time I will do the same. Maybe this is just another step in breaking down the barriers between all the stage hypnotists in the UK and stopping it going back to the old ways of backstabbing.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The hypnotists hypnotist 2!

Well it's been another strange weekend in the life of Adam Night!
Last night I was performing in a gay club, nothing too strange in it's self as I have done many shows in gay venues in the past, but I had two other stage hypnotists in the audience. Both Kevin Starr and Paul T. Grant came along to say hello and watch my show.
Then, tonight, I was working in a local venue and in the audience were the parents of Aarron Lodge, another hypnotist (and former pupil of mine) and 12 trainee hypnotherapy students and one of their teachers! (I even hypnotised one of the students and made them the star of the show!)

Let's not leave it so long next time!

I while back I told you of a booking I had taken (they all come back eventually!).
Well I have finally done the gig and it went really well!
The Guy had booked me for his 50th Birthday party and had had so much fun that he booked me again for this one, his 65th and retirement party! (well it should have been, but he is not retiring now for another two years!).
I only hope he does not leave it so long before re booking me this time!